Lake Helen - Lake Management Plan
Description of the PlanIn 2008, the Lake Helen Protection and Rehabilitation District (LHP&RD) partnered with UW-Stevens Point to develop a lake management plan. The purpose of this plan was to learn about Lake Helen, identify factors important to Lake Helen residents, and develop goals, objectives, and associated actions to protect and improve the lake for future generations.
This plan set goals dealing with the watershed and water quality, shore-lands, aquatic plants, fisheries, recreation, informational opportunities, and updating and revising the plan. The initial plan was adopted at the annual meeting held in May, 2009, and will act as a guide for future activities and projects. Many of the projects working toward these goals are highlighted on this website. Volunteers are needed to work on these projects. Please contact the Commissioners to help with any of these activities. A management plan is a living document that changes over time to meet the current needs, challenges, and desires. The goals, objectives, and actions listed in this plan will be reviewed annually and updated with any necessary changes. Lake Management Plan DocumentAn updated version of the plan was approved at the Annual Meeting held on May 26, 2012
Read the latest version of the Lake Helen Management Plan |
Committee Members |
Lake Helen District Actions
The Lake Helen R&P District has been taking action to stop the spread of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) and other invasive species. An "EARLY DETECTION & RESPONSE GRANT" has been applied for and approved. The grant will provide funds from the state for a two-year period to help with this huge task. |
Aerators are used on Lake Helen during the winter months to help prevent a winter kill of the lake's fish population. The two aerators were replaced in fall of 2010 and 2011. The new aerators are paying for themselves through a 75% reduction of the electrical costs needed for operation. |